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Holy Armor: Go to the room where you and Keade get trapped in and you have to pull the levers. Go through the levers. The chest that was in the corner behind the bars can now be reached. Inside the chest is the Holy Armor. Medicines: Just before fighting Fortinbras, when you are going down the spiral staircase, there are two Medicines. One is near a light about halfway down, and the other is near the blocked off area at the bottom. They are difficult to see. Easy mode: Start a game and die about ten to fifteen times. After enough deaths, a message will appear, stating that a new easy mode is open. Note: You cannot achieve an S rank when playing in easy mode. Onimusha 2 FMV sequence: Successfully complete the game and save. Choose to start a new game and a "Special Report" option will be available. This allows a small sequence from the game's sequel to be viewed. Defeat Fortinbras: Start off by doing any type of attack that will make Fortinbras fall to the ground (special attacks will make this quick and easy). From this point on, just keep kicking him to death. Press [Down] + (Attack), move forward, [Down] + (Attack), and repeat. This will take some time. You will never get hit, plus he will not be able to attack you if you can keep the chain kicks going. Use this strategy if you have only your three normal weapons, and not the secret sword. Kick him, then slash him with the Enryuu Fire Sword. It is the strongest. Give him about five kicks and then deliver a Thunder Orb magic. Repeat this until you have no more Thunder magic remaining. Then, use the Wind Orb magic to knock him down. Use the Fire Orb and some kicks. Most of his attacks are easy to dodge, except the fire. Not enough codes for you? Search for more cheats at cheat codes club. Or simply Click here to find more Onimusha : Warlords cheat codes. Don't like Game Score? Why not try viewing these cheat codes at one of these great cheat code sites: Onimusha : Warlords Cheat Codes at Cheat Mad Onimusha : Warlords Cheat Codes at Jumbo Cheats Onimusha : Warlords Cheats at A Cheat Codes Onimusha : Warlords Cheat Codes at Cheat Patch |